McGrane Global Centers

Hi! We are Bill and Linda McGrane.

We guide Christian couples in crisis to avoid divorce and rediscover laughter, passion, and intimacy. 

Restore & Supercharge Your Marriage
Free Marriage Coaching Session

Global Centers

Hi!  We are Bill and Linda McGrane.  We guide Christian couples in crisis to avoid divorce and rediscover laughter, passion, and intimacy.


Free Marriage Coaching Session
Restore & Supercharge Your Marriage Starts September 17


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Have you ever thought,  "You're on the edge of divorce?"

… do you feel like you are walking on eggshells, not being sure of what to do or say that won’t trigger the next violent argument? You feel like you’ve done everything you know how to do to fix this relationship, and nothing is working. It’s getting worse and now it’s beginning to change you. You just want to be loved, heard, appreciated, and seen for who you really are. You feel empty, completely disconnected, unloved, isolated, rejected, and alone… and you don’t understand why.

4 Pillars of A Happy Marriage

How We Take 100’s Of  Marriages On The Brink Of Divorce and Quickly Turn Them Around


“Spend time with the McGrane’s and every area of your life and marriage will be so much better!”

"We consider Bill and Linda McGrane our mentors to a deeper and more fulfilling life, marriage, family, and helping us impart God's message to the world."

Lance and Annabelle Wallnau
Lance Learning Group

“Bill and Linda are Masters to help you in the briefest time possible.”

“Bill and Linda are masters! They are a safe, brilliant, original source that can help serve anyone who needs to identify their problems and then permanently resolve them in the briefest possible time."

Mark Victor Hansen
Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul and The One Minute Millionaire

“We went from skeptical to believers.”

"Our marriage after 25 years was dead and we both were headed in the wrong direction. A divorce attorney had been contracted and it looked like the end of our marriage. We no longer knew how to communicate with each other or what to do to get back on track. The things we both tried were making things worse instead of better. On a scale of zero to 10, we went from a zero to a seven out of 10 in just two days. It is amazing when we get the tools and skills how much progress we made with your help."

Cathy and Carlos Jarrett

Bill & Linda McGrane


Why should you listen to us?

Because we have been there! We know the pain of relationships that are not working.  We have been through divorce and that is why we want to make sure no-one has to experience that kind of pain.  Residual pain keeps you out of the plan God has for your life and your marriage.  

We have facilitated the restoration of thousands of couples into healthier individuals that create deeper intimate partnerships.  Spanning many countries, these results overflow with passion and purpose.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

by Bill & Linda McGrane

This eBook is one of Bill & Linda McGrane's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:

  • How To Release Tit for Tat on... page 9
  • How Your Background Affects You and Your Relationship Today... on page 12
  • How To Listen So Your Partner Feels Cherished and Respected... on page 14
  • How To Handle Anger... on page 17
  • How To Seek First to Understand... on page 19

Marriage In CRISIS?

Are you calling out to God for help?

A successful marriage doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by choice.

As you align your personal work with the Holy Spirit, you get rapid transformation.

Bill & Linda McGrane have identified a proven, easy, repeatable 3 step system called "SEE" that anyone can follow to achieve outstanding results.

  “You gave me what I have been looking for all my life.”
“Everyone gave up on me and you didn't. For 48 years I lived in pain and fear. I used it to achieve and still felt unsuccessful. Through your teachings, I can achieve and feel the love and freedom I have always known could be possible." 
Sandy Rankin 

We can help you achieve greater success, faster, and with fewer setbacks.


We help couples remove the roadblocks in their heart from deep hurt and distrust that keeps you feeling empty, completely disconnected, isolated, rejected and alone.  Our proven results will help you to find more understanding, deep connection with love, passion, joy, peace, intimacy, and wholeness where you will feel safe and cherished. 



Want thorough training to help you master your relationship skills, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?

Bill & Linda McGrane offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. 
We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos. Which means the trainings won’t just engage you; it will also change you. 



When you want your couple/marriage event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change.

You want more than temporary motivation… you want to create permanent transformation! Bill & Linda McGrane delivers skill-building content and cutting-edge insights that will educate and energize your audience for more loving marriages.


Lance and Annabelle Wallnau

“Spend time with the McGrane’s and every area of your life and marriage will be so much better!”

"We consider Bill and Linda McGrane our mentors to a deeper and more fulfilling life, marriage, family, and helping us impart God's message to the world. Spend time with them to acquire the leadership skills, and tools to reenergize yourself and your ministry."

Pastor Cleddie Keith

“Take your marriage to a whole better level”

"Those who are trained well, achieve maximum results with minimum effort. You can take yourself, your marriage and your ministry to your next level by working with Bill and Linda McGrane."

Belinda and Fritz Richard

“Best training, time and money we have spent!”

"I came for business reasons and walked away with so much more. I have my confidence back and it got me past the hurdles blocking my success and my marriage. I was very skeptical but ran out of options. The coaching changed my life and it's the cheapest and fastest way to move ahead in your life. It helped me spiritually with my business confidence, and I am much closer to my wife and family. Move on faith and just do it!"

Mark Victor Hansen

Author, Chicken Soup For The Soul and The One Minute Millionaire

“Bill and Linda are Masters to help you in the briefest time possible.”

"Bill and Linda McGrane have the greatest skills to get to the core of an issue that I have ever seen in the world. Bill and Linda are masters! They are a safe, brilliant, source that can serve anyone to identify their problems and then permanently resolve them in the briefest possible time."

Cathy and Carlos Jarrett

“We went from skeptical to believers.”

"Our marriage after 25 years was dead and we both were headed in the wrong direction. A divorce attorney had been contracted and it looked like the end of our marriage. We no longer knew how to communicate with each other or what to do to get back on track. The things we both tried were making things worse instead of better. On a scale of zero to 10, we went from a zero to a seven out of 10 in just two days. It is amazing when we get the tools and skills how much progress we made with your help.

If we can do it anyone who wants to have a great marriage can do it as well. Now our children and family are happier than ever. Give Bill and Linda McGrane a chance to give you the best years of your life ahead."

Teri Werner

“You got to my core and unlocked and healed me.”

"Thank you for giving me the chance of my life to have the change of my life. As I call it you gave me my BIG HEAL I was desperate for change. 

You have an anointing and an appointing by God to help people heal that anyone who wants a “breakthrough” will receive.

You got to my core and unlocked and healed me. More importantly, I am restored with new energy and focus."

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